The Scout Association


I’m Deniz, a creative and enthusiastic designer with over 12 years experience producing for print and digital media, and 2 years managing a global team of designers at ONE. Doing a masters program at Chelsea College of Art and Design is what brought me to London in 2007. I also love illustrating and screen printing.

Click on the following links to see my work for ONE, Eyeko, French Connection, Time Out Magazine, Jack Wills, Great Plains, Care Climate Change, The Scout Association, Free Tibet, War Child UK, Bespont and Migros.

See my LinkedIn profile for my education history, work experience and recommendations from lovely people I worked with.

I’m really into lettering and have a blog about Sign Painting in Turkey.

Email me at

Starting in 2009, for 3 years I have artworked supplements of the Scouting Magazine. I also designed brochures for the Activity Centres, leaflets, business cards for their Conference Centres, flyers, invites, posters and banners as well as website layout and html email templates. I’ve project managed large volumes of these projects.